Tuesday, January 30, 2007

I am having a brown day today. Not brown like muddy, but comfy, soft brown. Toned down. I spent the morning at an art class with the boys and my mother. While we herded paint flinging little boys around the brightly colored and loud class room - I remembered how much I loved art class as a child. The smells of fresh tempera paint, old molding clay, warm crayons, and drying Elmer's glue brought me back to a much earlier day. I remembered how my little heart swelled with anticipation at what kind of thing I could create next and how proud I was of myself. The Lord has been gently prodding, reminding me that my dear little sons have the same hearts as I did, tender and dewy with innocence. What a heavy burden of responsibility and yet lightness of delight in being a mother to sons. I am relieved to know that it is the Lord that shapes and molds them - I am simply reminded to tread lightly, little hearts are looking to me to see God's face and feel His comfort and pleasure.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Welcome to our blog spot! We are new to this and hopefully it will work out great. I hope to update our pictures as soon as I have some new ones to show. Keep checking back...